Home industry erp ExpenseConnect from Wipfli delivers smooth Expense Management Connector
CIO Bulletin
Wisconsin based firm Wipfli has released a new tool ranging from midsized to large enterprises. The new tool is called ExpenseConnect and is a proprietary of Wipfli. Here, the communication and data moves on two directions between the software platforms. Earlier, Concur connectors were used by small to midsized businesses. Depending upon how the customers need it for their business, Wipfli can custom base its tool. It can handle multi-currency transactions, multi-company consolidations and also the use of corporate cards.
The Success Factor
AtTask is a SaaS leader in project management solutions. They ran into a wall when their expense module got ‘clunky’. The company needed seamless data integration with their Intacct accounting software. However, none of the expense data were run through the payroll went into their accounting system, requiring a manual data entry. A full-time employee had to be hired to do just that. Since the company was growing, AtTask decided that the time had come to upgrade to Concur and start using Intacct more efficiently.
Amy Engh, AtTask’s Assistant Controller, found Wipfli’s ExpenseConnect to be the perfect solution for taking AtTask’s approved expense reports from Concur into Intacct. It was custom-developed for adding billing expenses to Intacct as individual sales orders. “The implementation was so smooth, we were actually blown away!” recalls Engh. “We had done several implementations before ExpenseConnect and most systems live up to 80% of their promises. But Wipfli delivered on everything they told us they could do, and it was really fast”, she added.
From the looks of it, AtTask is very happy with ExpenseConnect. AtTask thinks that apart from saving time, cost-effectiveness is another result they are happy about. Now, AtTask has cloud based integration between Concur and Intacct and has also implemented an extension to fit their business workflow to enable Intacct to automatically generate invoices when an expense is marked as billable in Concur.