Home industry healthcare Twitter is fighting vaccine misinformation with new search tools
CIO Bulletin
You see a lot of anti-vaccination information and propaganda surfing the internet. And here is Twitter in a battle fighting against this misinformation. When you open Twitter for any vaccine-related tweets, you’ll come across a post issued by the US Department of Health and Human Services.
Twitter is taking the anti-vaccination message seriously and is implementing a new search tool to fight against it and improve healthcare. The new tool would actually advise the users to visit the vaccines.org page that is run by the Health and Human Services department. Twitter hopes that this message would convince the viewers to get vaccinated.
The twitter page shows: “To make sure you get the best information on vaccinations, resources are available from the US Health and Human Services” with a link to visit the page. A blog post by Twitter read: “We’re committed to protecting the health of the public conversation on Twitter. Ensuring individuals can find information from authoritative sources is a key part of that mission.”
In recent times, social networking platforms have come under immense pressure from lawmakers to remove anti-vaccination propaganda from their platforms. Twitter promptly brought out its tools to make the required changes. A similar tool was used when people searched for keywords related to suicide and a contact hotline number was linked.
Speaking about the new search tool, Twitter’s blog post also said that the new “investment builds on our existing work to guard against the artificial amplification of non-credible content about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.”