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Home industry legal Recusal Denied in Routh Case, Legal Scrutiny Continues

Recusal Denied in Routh Case, Legal Scrutiny Continues


 Ryan Wesley Routh, Legal, Aileen Cannon, Donald Trump  

Ryan Wesley Routh's recusal motion was denied by Judge Aileen Cannon who said there wasn't enough legal basis to raise 'impartiality' concerns in his attempted assassination case against Donald Trump.

A ruling motion by Ryan Wesley Routh who has been charged with trying to kill Donald Trump has been rejected by Florida federal judge Aileen Cannon. He argued that the way in which Trump appointed Cannon to her current position in addition to her involvement with certain prosecutors was borderline eccentric in regards her ability to remain fair in the courtroom.

Routh requested Cannon's recusal arguing that her social relations raised the "appearance of partiality." Nevertheless, Cannon has asserted that she sees no appropriate legal grounds for such a course of action, which leads to the inevitable conclusion that, “the motion is therefore denied.” She went on to say that Routh’s defense has not shown any relevant facts or legal authorities to support the baseless claims made.

Cannon also addressed the concern that the defense had about a prosecutor’s past relationship with her, insisting that it did not affect her in any form. “I have no such ongoing personal relationship with the said prosecutor,” she maintained crediting her to upholding fairness in the case.

Routh alleged that the case was under media scrutiny to the extent that a different judge had to be brought in but Cannon did not agree, adding that she did not know Trump outside her official duties. “In any understandable application of that term, I have no contact with the so-called victim,” she said.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office refused to offer further remarks on the matter and neither did Routh’s lawyers concerning the decision. The case is still in the public spotlight even as the trial date approaches.

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