30 Fastest Growing Companies to watch 2018
CIO Bulletin
The workforce of today isn’t what it used to be. The rapidly changing workforce, along with modern dynamic organizations, is revolutionizing the market-driven world. In such a scenario, having the right Recruitment and Training software platforms could make or break a company. With such platforms, business organizations can easily manage applicants and at the same time, increase productivity. Staffing agencies, recruiters, and training coordinators also benefit as automation supports the management of daily tasks and administrative needs.
Providing such valuable software is iTacit. iTacit is what happens when you combine specialized insight to industry challenges, creative software engineering skills, and a passion for connecting people. Over the years, iTacit has found answers to help organizations build capabilities and work as a single unit.
The company’s major strength is its ability to adapt to the clients’ specific business processes, providing maximum efficiency, while managing organizational change. Its products are flexible, providing customized solutions to meet and grow with organization needs, while maintaining an accessible price point for growing organizations.
Making Headway
iTacit’s journey began in 2011 when a core group of people with a lifetime of experience in delivering healthcare solutions all over North America joined together. With enthusiastic support from their first industry-leading client, iTacit set out to create a Recruiting Software product to meet the needs of their rapidly growing Long-Term Care organization.
The team quickly realized the tremendous need for technology-based solutions in the healthcare market and soon expanded to provide full training, communication, performance management, and surveys modules. iTacit’s adoption by increasingly diverse companies brought another wave of realization to its founders: the administrative and compliance management issues impacting their healthcare industry clients were not unique.
iTacit took steps to globally support disconnected, medium-sized organizations, using its tools to build their employee capacities and capabilities and to work as a single unit. iTacit began to specialize in industries with a high amount of regulation and training requirements, including organizations in healthcare, government and private sector companies.
New Windows of Opportunity
As iTacit began expanding to other industries, it developed an understanding that although each new client faced similar challenges, the clients’ needs were unique – the software needed to be flexible to meet an organization’s unique business processes. This is a mandate that is carried out by the Product Development and Client Services teams to this day.
With an eye on keeping pace with an organization’s changing needs, iTacit has simultaneously expanded its reach into new markets and made significant changes to its product offerings. In fact, this flexibility and adaptability have become the company’s major strengths. In time, the prime focus has been on the benefits of using iTacit tools in an interconnected way, like iTacit’s Suites that include “Train & Connect”, “Onboard, Train & Connect” and “Talent Management Suite”.
Additionally, over the years, iTacit has adapted its own Release Delivery Methodology (RDM), utilizing techniques from common Software Development Methodologies from Agile to Waterfall. The iTacit RDM allows the development process to be flexible enough to adapt to changes in the market and also encourages consistency and Tried & True development techniques that allow iTacit to maintain the stability its clients demand.
Prospective Future
It’s been nearly a decade since its inception and iTacit is growing as the next-gen technology company providing cost-effective solutions that allow organizations to engage and enable the best workforce possible. Today, it has over 100,000 subscribers in over 600 organizations across North America and is sure to rapidly grow with the release of the new end-user experience and “Onboard, Train, & Connect Suite” for desktop and mobile.
The team at iTacit, with their diverse background in IT consulting, healthcare, education, and government, shows continued passion for providing software solutions. The team strives to make the employee life cycle in disconnected work environments more productive, more efficient and more cost effective. The company too vows to continue to evolve based on market needs, and further refine its offering over time. iTacit is sure to maintain its leadership role as a true talent management platform for disconnected workforces.
Leading iTacit’s Success
iTacit owes much of the success of its latest 2.0 end-user experience to the leadership of its Director of Product Services, Trina Weston, who has been with iTacit from the start. Prior to assuming the Director of Product Services role at iTacit, Trina spent 18 years in the management, design, development, and implementation of software solutions for several IT Consulting firms, including ABS, Knowledge Park Technologies, Evention Technologies, and Accreon Inc. Weston is responsible for all aspects of the evolution of iTacit’s product software. In her role, she leads a highly skilled team in all software enhancements and new functionality for the iTacit product. She is responsible for the ongoing performance of iTacit’s product on multiple technology platforms and maintains iTacit’s rolling 6 Month Roadmap.
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