Home technology mobile Gamma found a new calculating tool
CIO Bulletin
Gamma, a telecoms provider has launched a new tool which helps channelizing partners looking to build a quote for Gamma Mobile. Partners using this tool can see the potential revenue and margin from the deal; they would then be able to assess the effect of adjusting quantities, rates and contract periods.
This also helps partners save time on continuously keeping an eye on the latest pricing, also improves accuracy and speed. Partners can also fix any rate for their service and add products and services not supplied by Gamma to one quote.
Brett Smith, the company’s commercial manager said “I have a better handle on the pipeline and can simply log onto the portal and view all the deals and the stage they are at quickly.”
Lydia Barton, Mobile VAS Product Manager at Gamma said: “We aim to give our partners lots of flexibility. However, with this flexibility can come increased complexity, making the process of building a quote difficult, particularly for partners who do not have much experience selling mobile. We’ve listened to our partners and provided a tool that takes the confusion out of creating quotes with a simplified deal building process, an up-to-date cost base and full mobile product set instantly available and updated.”