Business others 7 Steps Every Growing Business Should Take to Promote Brand Awareness and Authority
CIO Bulletin
Once your company has started to gain momentum within its industry and has reached a point of probability that you're proud of, complacency can sneak in and prevent you from scaling the business up to its full potential. After all, when things are going well, you don't exactly have a nagging incentive to improve anything because everything already seems to be working smoothly. When you're ready to put your foot on the gas and proceed with the process of expanding into a large corporation, promoting brand awareness and establishing your company or site as an authority in its niche will be the two most important steps you'll need to take. With that said, here are 7 steps every growing business can use to improve brand awareness and authority:
Having an app is almost a prerequisite these days if you want to be taken seriously by the general public in the world of business. While it's possible for a company to succeed without ever having an app, there's no question that offering this convenience will portray professionalism, especially if the app is well-designed. However, marketing an app is just as important as having one built, which is why companies like Appetiser have begun offering development, marketing, and design services all consolidated into a single platform.
Refining the design of your website is one step that can work wonders to improve public perception surrounding the reputability of your brand. Countless marketing studies have proven that when people see a really great looking website, they're more likely to conclude that the company who owns the site is a trustworthy brand. Conversely, a poorly designed site can do the opposite – deterring prospective leads who might've done business with you otherwise.
Video marketing is one of the most effective forms of advertising because video content is more engaging than text. While having high-quality commercials and videos produced can be a significant investment, it's well worth the cost when you consider what it can do for your brand image. Plus, videos are far more shareable than any other form of content, and the vast majority of viral traffic trends revolve around a video or meme of some sort.
If you can get other people to start spreading brand awareness for you, then you’re operating on a big-league level because you can effectively cease all promotional efforts at that point and let your customers/clients and third-party marketers continue to spread awareness for you. It's a very simple concept that works every time – you offer an appealing incentive for every referral or converted lead that someone sends you, and you pay that person or company a percentage of the revenue generated.
Pay per click (PPC) marketing is another effective way to force your ads in front of thousands or even millions of viewers. Launching a PPC campaign on platforms like Google Adwords and Facebook Ads will let you target specific demographics and audiences, while also providing you with a detailed analysis related to ad performance. Although this is a form of advertising that you'll have to allocate a decent budget to see impressive results, it's a worthwhile expense when you consider the insight and growth potential it offers.
Partnering with established brands is a quick and easy way to put your brand on a pedestal. People tend to form business opinions based on who they're associated with, which is why celebrity endorsements and corporate partnerships are such big deals. If you're not currently on a level where you can feasibly partner with a huge national or global corporation, try starting with lower-level partners like YouTube stars and Instagram influencers. On those platforms, a single post or video can introduce your brand to millions of people in a matter of days.
Distributing content around the web is one of the most effective ways to work on brand image and awareness because you're tapping into the reader base viewership of any blog, podcast, or YouTube channel that you partner with. Some blog or channel owners will charge you a fee to publish your sponsored post, while others just want the quality of the content to be great and they'll gladly post it without charging you.
Ultimately, if you were to diligently take all of the 7 steps above and achieve a nominal level of success in each of those areas, there's no doubt that you'd see a measurable improvement in not only brand awareness and authority, but all other crucial marketing metrics, including daily traffic, total leads generated, click-through rates, and conversion rates.