Home platforms others Telegram releases major update, now lets you record livestreams
CIO Bulletin
The users will be able to utilize a new set of animated emojis with fullscreen effects with the update for users to choose the option of being more expressive in the Telegram chats.
Telegram has released a major update that will now allow users to record livestreams or video chats on the app itself. It has also introduced eight new chat themes. Each theme has a day and night version, which will be set according to the night mode setting of the app.
With this updats, users will also be getting new interactive emoji with fullscreen effects. The eight new Chat themes launched by Telegram can be applied to specific private chats to customize their appearance. Each new theme features gradient message bubbles, animated backgrounds, and unique background patterns that help the users to organize their chats.
Telegram has also come up with an upgraded read receipt in groups. Now users in small groups will be able to check individually who has received or read your message in the group chat. For ensuring privacy, the read receipts will be stored for seven days after the message was sent.
The users will be able to utilize a new set of animated emojis with fullscreen effects with the update for users to choose the option of being more expressive in the Telegram chats. The animations and vibrations will play simultaneously on the smartphones if the chat window of the user and chat partner is open. Telegram has constantly been bringing useful new features, which is making it one of the most feature-rich instant messaging apps.