Home technology iot Kudos to the successful completion of Home IoT Project Training!
CIO Bulletin
The training conducted by LINC+ Project Group, “Home IoT Project Training for students in Humanities and Social Services” was commenced from August 3 to 6th which was supported by the AI. IoT Education Support Center of College of Information and Communication Engineering. Approximately 20 students took part in the training and it was the first training for students in humanities and social sciences this year.
The training was online due to COVID-19, which was on artificial intelligence and Internet of Things via IoT sensors, cloud and Android apps. Alongside, they had a tutorial class where students were bringing forth ideas for Home IoT and engineers gave advice to the students present there.
Training kits were provided to students to get past the problems of online education. With the help of kits, students came up with varied ideas like IoT Door Lock, peripheral objects and oral pronunciation detectors for hearing-impaired people, smart doorbells, and smart irrigation systems. In fact, participated mentor engineers praised the students for their various and ingenious projects.
Professor Yong-Suk Kim, Director of AI. IoT Education Support Center was the one who arranged this course and he said, “In order to live in the Fourth Industrial Era, it is essential for humanities and social sciences students to increase their closeness to various technologies. In connection with LINC+ Project, we plan to organize more programs that students majoring in humanities and social sciences can improve their capabilities for leading technologies for the future society.”