Home technology iot Hyfit released smart Gym!
CIO Bulletin
Hyfit, world’s first wearable IOT gym introduces new technology for fitness tracking and personal exercise training. The firm introduced new Hyfit’s resistance bands, IoT tracking, wireless charging.
"Combining the most advanced fitness measurement technology with the convenience and versatility of tension cord training, we were able to create a truly portable and comprehensive personal gym experience that can be used anywhere, any time,"said Hyfit CEO Guy Bar.
The product was released first on Kickstarter and will start shipping the following month. Early backers can pre-order the gym at a significant discount.
The company’s motif is to help people incorporate fitness into their routine. This device is portable which can be carried wherever you go. Hyfit tracks your progress and help users keep motivated to bring best out of your workouts.
Guy Bar added that Hyfit will aid user by giving them in depth information about the positive effects and the changes in the body.
Hyfit wearable gym is highly flexible and helps you adjust from different strength levels. It will also tell how many calories you burnt, the number of repetitions in each set, your heart rate and resistance strength.