Home technology cyber-security Will North Corolina Bar propose mandatory technology CLE credit?
Cyber Security
CIO Bulletin
The North Corolina State Bar is joining forces of state bar associations who need technology CLEs by proposing that one out of 12 approved CLE hours must include technology training.
Alice Neece Mine, assistant executive director of the North Carolina State Bar said that technology proposal is made because the attorneys can easily take classes on topics regarding cybersecurity, social media and many more.
“The change sends an important message: that lawyers need to understand how technology is affecting the delivery of legal services,” said Andrew Perlman, dean of Suffolk University School of Law in Boston and chair of the ABA’s Center for Innovation.
North Corolina State Bar representatives were unavailable for comments. There are positive responses from members over mail while cybersecurity is the sole component of offered classes. It is reported that Pennsylvania Bar also suggested that the state supreme court should utilize one hour in two years for technology CLE requirement. Technology is a crucial area for lawyers said Dan Harrington, chair of the legal ethics and professional responsibility committee for the Pennsylvania Bar said at the time. He asserts that this adoption will be convenient to the lawyers and their clients.