Business Excellence Awards 2019
CIO Bulletin
Dimension Data helps its clients by providing the best global systems integrator and managed services that designs, manages, and enhances the current technology environments in order to strengthen data in a digital era.
The company was established in the year 1983, headquartered in Johannesburg. It is proud to be a member of the NTT Group, one of the world’s chief information communication technology (ICT) companies covering a bunch of global technology firms.
How did the company grow over the years?
Dimension Data started off with a simple motive of ‘wanting to do great things’. It was based out of the African continent, listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, and got along with Cisco as its chief networking partner.
The company’s listing on the London Stock Exchange accelerates its ability to enhance its technology value proposition to its clients beyond networking into security, contact center, and IP telephony. Key acquisitions gave us a foothold in new markets in the UK, North America, and Europe.
The company was very much focusing on its service delivery processes and platforms to elevate the services it delivered to its clients. Later, the company’s operations were expanded in North America, the Middle East, and Africa and put together its UK and Continental Europe businesses to make one region.
Specialist start-ups like OpSource, Xigo, and BlueFire were acquired by Dimension Data to speed up the development of its cloud platforms and services. NTT which is one among the recognized ICT companies procured Dimension Data and made it their communication support system, IT capabilities, and made investment in creating new stuffs to its clients.
The firm procured companies named NextiraOne and Nexus IS to facilitate networking capabilities into the Northern Hemisphere.
Dimension Data signs a five-year technology deal with Amaury Sports Organisation (A.S.O.) to revolutionize the viewing experience of billions of fans across the globe. It was also certified by the Top Employers Institute as a Global Top Employer, a certification the company has held for three years to date, continuing to bolster its capabilities with acquisitions in Mist Systems, ShieldX, Highfive, e2y and Millennium 1 solutions.
Products rendered:
Enterprise Private Cloud: It helps in elevating operational efficiency and performance. The company offers cloud capabilities that are as flexible as the public cloud but have the increased security and reliability of a private cloud. Enterprise Private Cloud enables you to create a hybrid environment that is scaled and responsive to your needs.
With the help of Enterprise Private Cloud, you can escalate the performance of your production environments. You can extend your data center into the cloud using the available network and infrastructure topologies, and provide isolation from Internet access. You can start small and scale up.
Cloud Services for SAP
Cloud Services for SAP accelerate deployment, modification, and upgrade of SAP applications. The Services control cost and minimize risk by providing scalable IT resources. This ensures that adequate resources are available without over-provisioning.
The firm’s SAP and Cisco certified cloud infrastructure, combined with SAP professional and managed services, delivers a secure, flexible, resilient, high-availability cloud-based infrastructure supported with full disaster recovery and backed by enterprise-grade service levels.
Managed Network Services are designed to ensure consistent service availability across legacy and programmable (SDN) infrastructure, from the core, to the edge of your network. Automated tools and processes have been designed to increase operational efficiency, and analytics-driven reporting and insight provide you with the management information you need, whenever you need it.
Case study to prove the excellence
Challenge: World was in dire need of virtual desktop and safe internet connection with increasing uploads globally which at least needs to keep up to 7000 world leaders and media seamlessly connected during the 2014 G20 Leaders’ Summit.
Solution: A fully consumptive, secure network solution was developed and delivered along with a bespoke, virtualized desktop. BYOD secure connection, high-speed data upload, and print-anywhere functionality delivered a seamless user experience across the event’s secure zone, which included the conference centre and 12 hotels. Full services provided from Dimension Data’s Melbourne Managed Cloud Platform, with built-in redundancy and automatic failover to the MCP in Sydney.
Result: All the world leaders, dignitaries, media and guests experienced flawless, fully secure communication and collaboration across the secure zone. The cloud solution was not only a small fraction of the cost compared to using traditional compute and storage, but its consumption basis also eliminated the need for Government capital expenditure and meant no assets to depreciate following the event’s conclusion. Cloud-delivered agility that traditional models could not provide, along with extremely high availability and reduced risk.
Jason Goodall, Group Chief Executive Officer
He first joined Dimension Data as the Managing Director of Middle East and Africa in 2003. In 2010, Jason served as Group Chief Operating Officer, and in June 2016, he joined Dimension Data’s Board of Directors, as the group CEO.
In 1998 Jason was appointed the Chief Financial Officer of OmniLink, a Dimension Data subsidiary that later merged with Internet Solutions. From 2001-2003, he was the Chief Operating Officer at Internet Solutions.
Jason holds a CA (SA) having completed his articles at Deloitte in South Africa. Based in London, Jason travels extensively and serves as a Non-executive Director of the Sunshine Golf Tour in South Africa. A keen sportsman, Jason enjoys long distance running, cycling, and triathlons.
“Dimension Data is now a USD 8 billion global leader in designing, managing and optimizing today’s evolving technology environments to enable its clients to leverage data in a digital age.”
“Dimension Data invests heavily in innovation, which has led over 100 prestigious industry awards for its commitment to driving excellence and innovation.”