50 Most Influential Companies of the Year 2021
CIO Bulletin
Accounting plays a significant role in running a business successfully as it helps you track all the income and expenditures, ensure compliance, and provide investors, management, and government with quantitative financial information to make critical business decisions.
TCAGest is a global organization that supports the accounting and management of companies, providing the customers and partners with the most advanced management tools, as well as a large multidisciplinary and highly qualified team, to meet the specific needs of each one.
Using the latest technology and innovative practices in accounting and management, it presents a wide range of services that meet the most demanding needs of each company, whether they are micro, small, and medium enterprises or large multinational companies. We interviewed the company's Founders, Carla Luz and Paulo Luz, to know more about the company and its services. Here are a few excerpts of the interview:
Q. What technologies do you employ to provide accounting and business management?
Management tools are techniques and models used to improve processes and enhance company performance, reducing risk and increasing business assertiveness. We can include methods to control finances, stock, performance, quality, etc. In short, management tools allow us to monitor what is being done and achieved, to make possible corrections and adjustments.
To help the companies/clients, we have to know the client's needs as a first objective. Therefore, we always diagnose the main problems faced by the respective teams and carry out a survey of possible errors in the execution of processes. From there, we implement management tools, which are always chosen based on the needs of each client.
Q. Keeping up with technology in accounting and business management is a challenging task. How does TCAGest keep itself updated with the newest technologies?
When the pandemic hit the market and telecommuting became mandatory, social isolation was one of the concerns of the organizations. In a short time, new forms of internal communication, customer service, as well as the form of service delivery were implemented.
Digital media has become fundamental to the survival of a business, namely: communication and relationship. TCAGest took advantage of the pandemic to increase the technological processes and digitalization in the way it works and its relationship with customers, namely the dematerialization of documents. The year 2020 was a turning point year.
This decision made internal work easier. The documents are shared by the clients with the work teams in a certified document management portal, totally dematerializing the advisory process. This technology allows clients to access, in real-time, the accounting system and management analysis map adapted to their needs. In this way, we speeded up the time and quality of response to the client.
Q. How do you help entrepreneurs in better decision-making?
Using the latest technologies and innovative practices in accounting and management, we present a wide range of services that meet the most demanding needs of each company, whether they are micro, small, and medium enterprises or large companies.
By providing global accounting and management support services, TCAGest makes available just in time a large flow of current and credible information, taken in real-time from the management software with online access shared with customers. The KPI's maps with economic and financial indicators allow decision-makers and managers greater security and speed in the decision-making process.
Q. Human resource management is an important aspect of developing, reinforcing, and changing an organization's culture. How is your solution different from others?
We are a dynamic team, with extensive experience in fields related to the organization of companies, particularly in the areas of Accounting, Taxation, Personnel Management, Consulting, and Management Support. We bring together a group of professionals with training in the most diverse areas, namely in business management, finance, economics, taxation, and law, who interact and are organized by competence centers, to maximize the value delivered to our clients and to give an adequate response to the challenges and needs that their projects and businesses face.
The experience of our employees and the work methodologies adopted, based on principles that require the constant improvement of practices focused on the profitability of our customers' businesses, allow us to present the best solutions and achieve excellent results.
TCAGest tries to create and maintain adequate working conditions, a healthy organizational climate so that its employees feel recognized, which is closely associated with training programs. The teams maintain autonomy in the group's management, and the administration takes into account the feedback and tries to implement the various opinions held by the group.
Q. How does your financial management solution support companies throughout their development and growth process?
Anyone who decides to run a company needs to constantly monitor the performance of their business. To this end, there are some performance indicators that are commonly used by companies to measure their success.
Still, we should not get "lost" in analyzing countless criteria, but we must be assertive in what we want to analyze across the board. Thus, we chose the NPS-Net Promoter Score, the ROI, and the Turnover Index as the main measures of business success.
Q. Tell us about your "Online Management solution."
TCAGest pioneered the concept of Online Management by providing a web service exclusively dedicated to the client - My Accountant. Our investment in new technologies allows us to provide our customers with just in time access to accounting, financial and human resources information, contributing in a decisive way to allow the companies' managers to conduct their decision-making process quickly and accurately.
By providing global services to support accounting and management, TCAGest also makes available a large flow of current and credible information based on economic and financial indicators that allow decision-makers and managers greater security and speed in the decision-making process.
Q. What are the future expansion plans of the company?
TCAGest was this year considered as "BEST ACCOUNTING & MANAGEMENT CONSULTING FIRM 2021 – EUROPE." At the same time, in Portugal, TCAGest was distinguished by SCORING with the certification "TOP 5% BEST SMES IN PORTUGAL", 2020 edition. This certification was based on a Performance Index and Financial Soundness higher than 80%, also showing consistency in economic and financial aspects, which is only accessible to less than 5% of Portuguese companies. Accordingly, it obtained an "EXCELLENT" ("NS 5") SCORING notation, which gives it the distinction "TOP 5% / 2020" in terms of economic and financial sustainability.
The excellence of the operational and financial management demonstrated by the certified company deserves the praise of SCORING to the management team and all employees. We hope that this is a stimulus for them to continue to raise the company to a higher level.
Meet the Founders
TCAGest is a family company founded in 1990 by Carla Luz and Paulo Luz. Carla is a graduate in economics, while Paulo is a graduate in management. Since the origin, the company has always grown organically, with the goal of doing more than the competitors and being the main partner in management support consulting. What makes it different from other companies in the industry is the possibility for customers to access in real-time all the management information on accounting and human resources.