Home industry retail Amazon Go Stores to be Open for Large Public
CIO Bulletin
Amazon is doing well with its stores. Now, it’s going to get better as Amazon Go with ‘just walk out technology’ will be thrown open to the large public. In fact, the Amazon Go stores were open last year itself. However, after working through some of the technical glitches and hang-ups, Amazon is ready to throw Go stores to the larger public.
Early this year, the company had reported that the Go stores were doing well with less number of shoppers. However, once the number of shoppers exceeded more than 20 in number, the technology in Go couldn’t keep up. But now, all these glitches have been fixed and Go stores are ready for the full rush!
Technology, while Shopping
Some of the technologies that are used in Amazon Go are smart cameras, sensors, and deep learning algorithms. These keep track of shoppers as they move around the store, log which items they take, and finally charge them once they leave. Although most of the problems concerning Go stores have been fixed, there are still issues that need covering. For instance, one such challenge is keeping track of small children who grab things at random.