Home technology it-services Google Chrome to label slow loading websites
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CIO Bulletin
Whenever people open a webpage and it loads slowly, they’re in a dilemma, wondering if their network went down or if there’s something wrong with their phone. But truth is that often happens because some websites are not optimized for today’s browsers.
Google is about to bring a new label for websites that regularly load slowly. The IT services giant is not subtle about it and chances are that this move might be frowned upon by many users.
This is not the first time Google has taken such drastic step. For instance, Google has marked all the web pages and sites that don’t use HTTPS as insecure. And eventually, Chrome will be taking down all these insecure web pages one by one. But in the case of slow loading websites that’d not be possible because they aren’t breaking any rule or causing any security concerns.
It is still unclear on how Google is going to label these websites because it’ll be hard for the company to pin down all these sites based on loading speed.
On the security front, they’ve asked website owners to update their webpages to HTTPS and not wait out till the last day because Google has already found necessary tools to determine the quality of the page as well as for optimizing browsing experiences. An interesting fact is that not even Google’s sites are considered to be safe according to those tools.