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Home technology cloud IT Giant Wipro to invest $1 billion to Expand Cloud Transformation Capability

IT Giant Wipro to invest $1 billion to Expand Cloud Transformation Capability


IT Giant Wipro to invest $1 billion to Expand Cloud Transformation Capability

Wipro has announced that it will be investing $1 billion in cloud technologies, capabilities, acquisitions and partnerships over the next three years. This will help Wipro build on its existing and extensive cloud business with clients and expand its investments with its partners.

“Today, cloud adoption is at the core of any IT transformation initiative, and our clients have been turning to Wipro for help with this. With our $1 billion investment in cloud capabilities, and the launch of Wipro FullStride Cloud Services, we are in a far stronger position to simplify, orchestrate and accelerate the cloud journey for our clients,” said Thierry Delaporte, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Wipro Limited.

Wipro’s cloud business has seen significant growth in its cloud business. The company has over 79,000 cloud professionals on its payroll. The past year has also seen Wipro make largest cloud-related deals with Telefónica Germany / O2, Verifone, and E.ON in addition to METRO AG.

“Cloud adoption and innovation are an essential part of our IT strategy. For a company like METRO that operates in 25 countries, quickly migrating to the cloud enables decentralization, agility, speed and flexibility in engineering and development. We are delighted to have a multi-year strategic partner and leader like Wipro to support our cloud strategy and simplify a complex, technology ecosystem for our success and growth,” said TimoSalzsieder, CIO, METRO AG. 

Leading this plan forward will be Wipro FullStride Cloud Services, which will be collaborating with the clients to better align business and IT with the cloud imperative, create significant business value and increase competitive differentiation.

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