Home technology cyber-security Cybersecurity master’s program launched by Duke University
Cyber Security
CIO Bulletin
There is a dire need of specialized engineers, who can develop and defend secure systems; Duke University is coming up with a new Cybersecurity Master of Engineering degree program.
The course will start from the beginning of 2021 on Duke’s campus or online. The course will educate students with engineering or computer science in the technical, ethical and business dimensions of cybersecurity.
“This new degree is a strategic response to growing demand from businesses, educational institutions and governments for cyber-savvy engineering professionals,” said program director Jimmie Lenz. “By combining a highly interdisciplinary structure and technical instruction with business skills development, this Duke Engineering degree is designed to develop professionals with the skillset that organizations need to protect their vital networks and systems.”
The cybersecurity master’s program will also be available for other new Duke graduate degree and certificate programs concentrating on marketplace engineering disciplines, like financial technology (FinTech) and artificial intelligence for product innovation.
The master’s program is accessible to all qualified students, including mid-career professionals with undergraduate degrees in engineering or computer science.
The courses are offered to both online and on-campus students which help them learn together, either live or on-demand. On-campus students can complete the degree in a few as three semesters, while online study can be pursued by working professionals over the course of five semesters.
“I’m impressed by the thoughtful considerations given to the development of Duke’s Cybersecurity Master of Engineering,” said Bob Flores, CEO of business technology strategy firm Applicology Incorporated and a former chief technical officer for the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. “The Pratt School of Engineering enjoys a well-deserved reputation for pioneering new approaches and methodologies, and is continuing that tradition with this program.”