Home technology cyber-security Bugs on Twitter again; change your password now!
Cyber Security
CIO Bulletin
Sensitive information like passwords is generally stored in a hashed form that uses a combination of letters and numbers. But here comes an oops moment for Twitter as it revealed that there’s a bug on the platform that stores user passwords in an unmasked form. Simply put, the bug is storing passwords in plain text passwords without the hash format on an internal log.
This is why Twitter is recommending all of its 330 million users to update their passwords immediately. Twitter is quite positive that there was no breach or misuse of the unmasked passwords, the social platform is urging its users to change their passwords immediately. And not just on the Twitter platform, but also on other third-party apps like Twitterrific and TweetDeck.
Twitter declined to provide additional technical details so far like the number of passwords likely compromised or how long the bug has been on the platform before the team found and fixed it. But it gets one wondering how gigantic companies like Twitter make basic cybersecurity mistakes! It clearly indicates that its best if the user takes his password protection in his hands. Two-factor authentication and password managers are plenty available and can be made use of.