Home industry healthcare VR, now assisting trainee surgeons!
CIO Bulletin
Gone are the days where the trainee surgeons of the yore used to watch videos, practice on plastic models and cadavers, and assist in real operations to train for operations in the OR. A part of a new haptic (sense of touch) VR system was introduced by Fundamental VR at the Global Education and Skills Conference in Dubai.
Fundamental VR is a company based out of London, which works on providing the healthcare industry a way to train the future surgeons by integrating virtual reality with haptic feedback. The company plans to officially roll out the technology later this year.
Fundamental Surgery is their flagship service that uses custom-made hardware and software that runs on most systems. It enables a trainee surgeon to simulate a real surgical procedure with the necessary physical parameters actually encountered while practicing surgical procedures in a safe environment. Every surgical procedure has its tougher bits which require a lot of repetitions to master.
This VR technology literally gives the aspiring surgeons the time and space to learn and refine their surgical skills without putting a large group of patients at risk, to earn proficiency. Big institutions such as Duke University, Stanford University, and The Mayo Clinic have come on board and backed this technology. Targeted at training schools and the healthcare industry, it can only improve and make the surgical training more efficient in the coming times.