Home technology iot Canon's latest Speedlite is an auto-directional flash
CIO Bulletin
Canon is launching its newest Speedlite for $399 and goes by the name 470EX-AI. The striking feature of the flash is that it can automatically determine the “best” spot to bounce the light off of the ceiling! Although the flash looks like any other Speedlite, this particular one carries motors inside.
These motors are located at the base and hinge and the flash is equipped with a sensor in the corner of the flash itself. When a user double-taps on the shutter button of the camera, the flashpoints out at the subject and calculated the distance. It then points itself at the ceiling and calculates again. And just before clicking the picture, the flash reorients itself one last time into what it “thinks” is the best direction to achieve the perfect bounce light for your subject.
The flash also has something called “semi-automatic” mode. With this, the photographer can pick whatever angle he wants to point the flash, lock it in, and then every time he double taps the shutter button the flash will turn itself back to that angle.
The flash is a brilliant idea; however, it carries certain limitations. For one, if you pick a spot and then decide to move it a bit, the camera goes through the entire process all over again. Or chances are that the light may bounce in the wrong direction.