Home industry retail Target stores have Bluetooth enabled Beacons for location
CIO Bulletin
It’s a retail war out there and every retailer and e-commerce runners are competing with each other to win the race. When it comes to Target, it has a tough trail to keep up with other retailers like Amazon and Walmart. And so, Target is rolling out Bluetooth powered Beacons to give its customers a real-time map of their current store via the Target app.
So basically, Target is improving indoor mapping component to its mobile app. The Bluetooth powered beacon technology will help customers find their way through stores and locate the products they need, the retailer said in a video announcement.
This feature will not simply show you the location or the aisle number of the product you’re looking for. It will also show your own location on the map and it is indicated by a blinking dot. And as you move around, the blinking dot will also move to and thus constantly updating your current location.
In an announcement that was made by Target, it said that the new feature was, “GPS for your shopping cart.” According to the chief information and digital officer at Target, Mike McNamara, “They're great places to shop, great places to ship from and an easy and convenient place for guests to return unwanted items.” He also added that this was Target’s digital future in its actual stores.