Home technology software Owlchemy Labs and Google team up to deliver the future of VR Gaming
CIO Bulletin
Google is sparing no effort in expanding its VR capabilities and has now acquired a VR game studio and one of the best ones at that. Google has acquired Owlchemy, a VR game studio which created games like Job simulator and Rick and Morty VR game.
"Today is a REAAAALLY BIG day for Owlchemy. As we look to the future with Google by our side, we couldn't be happier," said a blog post by Owlchemy.
The Rick and Morty game, called Rick and Morty: Virtual Rickality is hailed as one of the best games ever created on the VR platform. The company which was founded more than seven years ago started out like any other game studio, creating regular games for the flat screen. Its first game, Smuggle Truck was controversial and it had to make a fluffy animal theme update for it called Snuggle Truck. They forayed into the world of VR while working with the Oculus Rift development kit in 2013 and since then have never looked back.
"VR acted as an electromagnet for our science-focused brains as it presented us with the most expansive field of untapped potential and tough unsolved problems. Once we dipped our toes into the VR waters in the early DK1 days, we quickly vowed to never look back and build a flat-screen game again, and to jump headfirst into the awesome potential of VR," said Owlchemy. "The studio was hooked and we’d found our stride".
The company noted that it will continue to develop immersive games and are not shutting any of their present projects. The only thing that changed really was the additional backing of a giant with mammoth resources that could make the envisioned future a reality.